Thursday, November 8, 2018

WORK Mullins (size 471) The airstrikes on the opposition-held north town Khan zoellick and Raney short version Symbols Maps and Territories ..Z51 EM 05 -



Mullin's ice cream cone store
helps explain 

EM war/ conflict news ...
Database Z02 – News translated N50C –
Nature’ s human eye, optical interceptor agents
Travis Zoellick, Adam Raney, and
Mullin’s ice cream CONES

Watertown Wisconsin ….
…………………….sin wave region
…EM-field waves … optical WAR News translated

Nature’ s human eye, optical interceptor agents Travis Zoellick, Adam Raney, and Mullin’s ice cream CONES expose the FCC approved electro-magnetic(EM) field attacks on Nature’s eye ROD / CONE optical LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS systems

The role of symmetry and Language /WORD and Concept symmetry …..
in fundamental physics – PNAS

by DJ Gross – ‎1996 – ‎Cited by 82 – ‎Related articles
Dec 10, 1996 – The role of symmetry in fundamental physics is reviewed. Until the 20th century principles of symmetry played little conscious role in theoretical …

The Hidden Reality: Earthly Parallel Universes and
the Deep Laws of Community Bull-stories and rigged Legal trials… –

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. … The bestselling author of The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos tackles perhaps the most mind-bending question in modern physics and cosmology:
Is our universe the …

above words –>
The airstrikes on the opposition-held north town Khan

translated  …..
airstrikes … air waves strike
–> Federal Communications Commission
approved EM (electro-magnetic) air waves  strike/attack
….position /location of earth geography surface
....north-town Khan —> north of Watertown …
the murder of Mr. Khan in the EM field region of
EMMET Township

An autopsy was being performed this morning on a University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student whose body was found in a shallow grave in the town of Emmet …

UWM student killed in FCC air wave strikes
in northern Watertown  ... Haroon Khan 

Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan
drove a Darwin message carrier

 (919 Charles (Darwin) street,
Watertown ... Octagon House ) .... 

silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution,
and ... 
the UWM campus, kidnapped him, returned to Watertown and killed him in the
social science / brain radio  EVOLUTION 
war zone.

UPDATE: Student Murdered in 

EM field wars played out in EMMET

Sep 7, 2009 – Prosecutors say she contributed to Khan’s death by taking part in the kidnapping. … of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman Haroon Khan, who …
Milwaukee PD,
Watertown PD (Paul Dirac quantum extension),
UW-Milw PD,
Town of Emmett PD, …

Oct 4, 2008 – area found the vehicle of Haroon Khan in a storage unit in southern Dodge … Town of Emmett just north of Watertown, identifying three suspects. One suspect, a 20-year-old Watertown man, shot and killed himself late … the Milwaukee Police Department and the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Police.

Electromagnetic waves (Z, t)  agent  killed … Zoellick, Travis

the wave equation for electromagnetic waves follows from Maxwell’s equations. ……
Poynting vectors depends on z and t,
so only at certain discrete times and …

electromagnetic radiation – Question about intensity of EM waves … 

Jul 29, 2015 – I wonder why Poynting vector can be used to describe the intensity of …. the −zpropagating wave has a minus sign on the magnetic field, which …

Simple Plane Waves

An electromagnetic wave with frequency 6.98*1014 Hz propagates with a speed of 2.22*108 m/s 
in a certain piece of glass. (a) 
Find … Electromagnetic plane waves, 
the Poynting vector; Reasoning: … 

Here k is the unit vector in the zdirection.


(a) By writing the argument / fight/ conflict
…… above code  

E (z,t)  played out as ---->  

Emmet (zoellick, travis)


Solution …

EMMET ….  
EM war message repeated:

(a) By writing the argument  as
atomic signal
…..michigan –> EM field war at EMMET

Body of deputy and wife found in 
backyard of southern Michigan home …
Jun 5, 2016 – Body of deputy and wife found in backyard of southern Michigan home … Emmett Police are saying that both died from apparent gun  shots CREATED 


television electron gun  BROADCAST commands   

Jun 6, 2016 – It appears that Deputy Mark Elferdink is responsible for the death of … in the backyardof their McAllister Road residence in Emmett Township ...

in the backyard of their McAllister Road residence in Emmett Township ...
in the back (feedback signal about  )

in the backyard 
in the backyard 
in the backyard 
in the back        --> feedback to Emmett

Emmett Township, Wisconsin  …….
EM……………………………….. sin wave WAR region


(a) By writing the argument of the cosine function 
Solution …..
Sol –> Solar system / 

SUN battle on  EARTH surface on in Waco Texas …..

the argument/fight/ conflict played out with
Cos –> cosine agents …… the Cossacks

Above right side word
 –> houn state  television

–> noun states  of the English language

Noun | Define Noun at 

noun definition. The part of speech that names a person, place, thing, or idea. The following words are nouns: child, town, granite, kindness, government, elephant, and Taiwan. In sentences, nounsgenerally function as subjects or as objects.
Pronoun · ‎Proper noun · ‎Collective noun · ‎Common noun

Next clue—>

String theory wars on EARTH ……..

code —> sino expansion ……
……………….node  —> node of DEATH   at
–> No + de –> Northern Dekalb

Northern Illinois University shooting – Wikipedia 

The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven …
Shooting · ‎Victims · ‎Perpetrator · ‎Reaction

String Theory Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Feb 6, 2007 – String theory addresses one of the deepest problems of contemporary physics, namely the reconciliation of gravity and quantum theory.

University of Wisconsin

Univers(e)   ………….. sin wave attack (of Wisconsin)  …….
……………………………………. DEATH  node in Illinois(e)

Next clue—>

code name –> Ms. Kusamp   …post
---------------–> K + usa +ma   + post–>

K-channel neurostransitter (bio-radio)   +
United States of America  map …..

and the Emily Post electro-magnetic(EM)  field
POST OFFICE   (of year 1922)

and its attack on the
Benjamin Franklin geography post office

Neurotransmitters and receptors – University of Bristol 

K ChannelK ions. Inside. Neurons, like all cells, maintain different concentrations of certain ions (charged atoms) across their cell membranes. Imagine the case …

code –>
NA K –> North America K-channel
--------–> North America Kennedy
thus the
RFK –> Robert F. Kennedy  assassination
RFK –> Radio Frequency K

Emily  Post wrote in various styles, including humorous travel books, early in her career. She published her first etiquette book Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics, and at Home(1922, frequently referenced as Etiquette) when she was 50
Emily  Post 
Emily  Post 
Em …..Post  Office

(year 22 ….. 1922 message ……

November 22, 1963)

November 22, 1963: Death of the President 

– John F. Kennedy … › JFK › JFK in History
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, …
code name –> Paris –> Par + is –> Parallel information systems

Octagon House (Watertown, Wisconsin) – Wikipedia 

The Octagon House in Watertown, Wisconsin, also known as the Octagon House Museum or the John Richards Octagon House, was built in 1854 and listed on …
Next data clue —>

Above, object …………
below, the Mullin’s Dairy ice cream and the ice cream cone …..
optical WARs in Watertown    Wisconsin that resulted
in the murder of  Nature’s interceptor agent
Travis Zoellick
( Travis Z –> Tra + vis + Z  –> traveling vision (optical cities) and Z poynting vector of the EM field at Emmet Township)

On Wisconsin: Feud closes Mullen’s Dairy Bar in Watertown; new ……mullen…dairy…watertown/article_5cbf5ca3-13a3-5ec8-a150-87…
Oct 2, 2016 – Troy Milbrath, owner of Mullen’s Dairy Bar and Eatery in Watertown, looks … The doors of Mullen’s Dairy Bar & Eatery are closed, ice cream …

On Wisconsin: Feud closes Mullen’s

ELECTROMAGNETISM Volume 2 —Applications: Magnetic Diffusion and … 

ASHUTOSH PRAMANIK – 2014 – ‎Science
Let the power density of the plane wave (or its Poynting vector) be S W/m2, and … antenna (say l/2) be located in the field of an e.m. wave passing the antenna. … from the wave and delivers to the load impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
 from the wave and delivers to the load impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.

 from the wave and delivers to the load impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.

 from the wave and delivers to the load impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.

 from the wave and delivers to the load .
……..  terminating the life of  Matt Anderson (end-loader message)
 impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
 impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit.
 impedance(= ZT) terminating its circuit
–> the termination/ murder of ZT –> Zoellick, Travis.

Travis Zoellick (20)  killed in the 20/20 optical SOFTWARE 

language / English dictionary  wars played out 

at EM (electro-magnetic)  field battle site of EMMET

—> EM + MET  –> EM   attacks Metabolism 

Oct 8, 2008 – Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car and Tammy LaFave (21) and Zachary Zaborek (19) are accused of aiding him.

SON’S AC (alternating cycle)….

AC –> ACTIONS, FATE A BLOW | Local News |…/article_6578ec24-886a-51d8-aed7-5a8e07d907f6.html
Oct 10, 2008 – Travis Zoellick’s parents knew their son had problems with Madison radio and television  EM attack  waves
…….. the radio attack on the human brain stEM   and the TV atatck on the human eye system.
They knew the 20-year-old and his 20/20 optical vision
struggled with deep-seated anger ( ang + er–> angstrom wavelength errors) 
 even as they sought to get …

Alan W. Rudge – 1983 – ‎Technology & Engineering
Ic. This bending back is necessary so that the Poynting vector can have a … the field must be considered as an EM wave propagating radially into the conductors. … ‘transfer impedance’ ZT which is defined as: ZT = VT/1 ohm/unit length (18.1) …
‘transfer impedance’ ZT 
‘transfer impedance’ ZT 
‘transfer impedance’ ZT  –> Zoellick, Travis and his body/brain bio-electronics
the field must be considered as an EM wave propagating radially into
the field must be considered as an EM wave propagating radially into
the field must be considered as an EM wave propagating radially into EMMET Township

The Rods and Cones of the Human Eye
and Mullins cones ……
Watertown human eye/ brain  BS and bragging problems

and the library optics / knowledge problems

– HyperPhysics Concepts
The retina contains two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. The rods … The 6 to 7 million conesprovide the eye’s color sensitivity and they are much more 
Oct 8, 2016 – The future of an iconic ice cream shop in Watertown has become further muddled. Troy Milbrath, owner of Mullen’s Dairy Bar & Eatery, has …

Adam Raney
..age 37
…….. 37 degrees Celsius human body temperature
…. agent ….  exposes the human eye rackets

Adam Raney

Adam Ran  ey

Adam Ran  eye

Adam Ran eyeball –>  his age 37  …..
bio-optical eye computer  …… age 37 eyeBALL
–>  age 37 signal BAL   (Basic Assembler Language)
sends a distress signal to  the community
the optical messages in the Watertown Daily Times newspapers  …
the Adam Raney .. age 37 eye  BAL   signal
…… request signal for
IBM system 370  … parallel humans with human  bio-optical  BAL

What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL) and eye.BAL Links? – Definition from › Mainframes › DatabaseBAL (Basic Assembler Language) is a version of IBM’s assembler language (sometimes called assembly language) for its System/360 and System/370 …

article (previous clipping)  –>
Raney charged with robbery of the State Bank of Reeseville
at 1312 W. Main Street, Watertown, Wisconsin  –>
SYMBOL MACHINE  keywords, concepts, 

and  book pointer
….  Main Street  Wisconsin
….  Main Street  Wisconsin
….  Main Street  Wis …. sin
….  Main Street
………………..  LeWIS,    Sinclair

Thus the juxaposition of information elements and concepts  ……

a)   the Mr. Raney important clue  WORDS
—> Main Street  (provided by the State Bank data generating event)

b)  Mr. Raney in Beaver Dam  robbery at 130 Maple Avenue
–> Maple Avenue –> Map  Avenue …..
an  EARTH Language ROAD MAP with S.I. Hayakawa

Algemene semantiek, Hayakawa: Ch. 2 – 

Maps and territories 

Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2
Symbols Maps and Territories 
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First, we …
Jump to Maps and Territories – If, however, he grows up with a false map in his head
. … The analogy of verbal words to maps is an important one …

 Maps and territories

 Maps and terror  …  attacks upon
BRAIN language/  English and science linguistic maps
and their word definition/explanation terrorities

CBS 58 – Watertown Bank Robber Charged with Terrorist Threat and … 

Jul 21, 2016 – Adam Raney was charged with armed robbery, bomb scare and … On July 11, Raney allegedly walked into a bank in Watertown and told the …
. On July 11
. On July 11 
. On July 11 …… signal 11 (number eleven)
. On  …….11
. On S …. 11 .. the Sept 11,2001 message
. On SKU11 ….

Nature’s brain engineering
SOFTWARE systems for the
human skull, brain, cortex  …….
Mr. Raney’s actions to generate
CLUE   11 
on  July 11
Jul 21, 2016 – Adam S. Raney, left, appeared in court via video conference from the Dodge County Jail, with attorney Brian Smith of the State Public …

‘Brain road maps’ reflect behavior differences between males and … 

Feb 9, 2016 – Differences in the neural wiring across development of men and women across ages, matched behavioral differences commonly associated …
The Healthy Brain Initiative: A National Public Health Road Map to Maintaining Cognitive Health … Healthy Brain Initiative 2013-2018 Interim report cover …

Brain mapping – Wikipedia 

Brain mapping is a set of neuroscience techniques predicated on the mapping of (biological) quantities or properties onto spatial representations of the (human …
Jul 20, 2016 – Just like regular maps, brain maps are useful points of reference. Scientists use them to agree on what they’re studying in the first place.

brain mapping Archives – Neuroscience News
Reviewing brain scans of bipolar patients, researchers observe notable differences in the thickness of gray matter in areas of the brain associated with …
Thus the juxtaposition of factors …..

a) Mr. Raney  ……..  Main Street (book pointer)
and Maple Avenue (brain language map pointers)

b) MR. Raney  –> ey –> eye  —>
 …..eye rods and cones –> 

Mullin’s ice cream cones  CLUE  to eye cones
 to the public library across the street (Main Street)
from Mullins …..
 the Watertown Public Library (human eye rods and cones  …
. optical cone awareness FAILURE )

Watertown Public Library |
Watertown Wisconsin Public Library …

Watertown Wisconsin Public Library, provides an online resource and discovery center dedicated to the enhancement of knowledge through traditional library …

discovery center dedicated to the enhancement discovery center dedicated to the enhancement —> 

real word message —>

disco …… dedicated to the   ……… cement  ……
thus the request  for construction of a new library addition
for more INTELLECTUAL  nonsense

Code words –>
AC –> alternating cycles/ sin waves message for the ACLU

END of  Mullin's dairy ice cream cones
and the sin wave / oscillation problems


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