Friday, November 9, 2018

WORK Gibbs (size 249 ) Z59 Data 670 and farm 97 - gibbs dirac Georgia Giibs toplogy Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018 | Sp orts --> S, P electron orbits Illustrated ... Paige Raque sits with her Topology byte dog Toby ....... the Peach / impeachment onion President Nixon .... Georgia Peaches elect Jimmy Carter

 Z59 Data 670  - gibbs
Z78  Farm 97 - peaches and female peaches



Gibbs / Gibbons explanation 

 Gibbs dirac and female model
Georgia Gibbs  toplogy 

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018 |

Sp orts --> S, P  elctron orbits  Illustrated

Paige Raque sits with her Topology byte dog Toby

the Peach / impeachment  of onion President Nixon

.... Georgia Peaches elect Jimmy Carter

code name -->  tomahawk  in one of the cases -->

tom + map + hawk --> atomic map LINK to Hawking atmosphere/astronomy/ astrophysics

VIEW (the man on the moon VIEW) of EARTH surface ....... human activity 

,,,,,, and Jane Wilde Hawking  poetry

...... po + o + etry --> podiatry order entry ...2 legs walking on COMPUTER EARTH geography surface a data entry keyboard


code word --> area connected .... Glibness 

The Gibbs Statistical Mechanics - UD Physics
    Chapter 5. The Gibbs Statistical. Mechanics. In Chapter 3 we developed Boltzmann's statistical mechanics and in. Chapter 4 we applied it to perfect gases of ...

    Josiah Willard Gibbs and the Foundations of Statistical Mechanics ...
    by J Mehra - ‎1998 - ‎Cited by 10 - ‎Related articles
    In this study, I discuss the development of the ideas of Josiah Willard Gibbs' Elementary Principles in Statistical Mechanics and the fundamental role they played ...

    code word --> area connected .... Glibness 

    A quantitative test of Gibbs' statistical mechanics - Science Direct
    by AR Plastino - ‎1995 - ‎Cited by 58 - ‎Related articles
    Tsallis' generalized statistical mechanics (GSM) is used in order to provide us with a test on the validity of the. Gibbs-Boltzmann statistics, which constitutes a 

    code name -->  tomahawk  in one of the cases -->

    tom + map + hawk --> atomic map LINK to Hawking atmosphere/astronomy/ astrophysics  and his 

    associates at the university intellectual  prison 

    A quantitative test of Gibbs'

    DAMTP Professor Gary W. Gibbons, FRS, PhD

      by PK Townsend - ‎Cited by 228 - ‎Related articles
      Professor Gary W. Gibbons, FRS, PhD. Professor of Theoretical Physics. Career. Curriculum Vitae (PDF document). Research. Research Interests (PDF ...
      Missing: gibson

      Earth Lab specimen in some math building room at

      University of Cambridge  ......
      communications    bridge ..........  

      quantitative test of Gibbson and his
       Gi    (gastro-intestinal tract molecular self-awarenss) 

      Professor Gary W. Gibbons, FRS, PhD.
      Professor of Theoretical Physics  and  bio-physics
      Research Interests  --> Gibbs  .......

      Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018 |
      Sports Illustrated
      Georgia Gibbs was photographed by Yu Tsai in Aruba. Top by Sloane & Tate

      Professor Gary W. Gibbons, FRS, PhD.

      Professor of Theoretical Physics and bio-physics 
      and existential social science applications .....
      and information string theory / word strings and clues

      Richard M. Nixon - U.S. Presidents -
       HISTORY of Onion influence on human  THOUGHT 

        Richard Nixon (1913-94), the 37th U.S. president, is best remembered as the only president ever to resign from office. Nixon stepped down in 1974, halfway ...

        The History Place - Impeachment: Richard Nixon
        About President Nixon: He served as vice president under Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953-61. Nixon ran unsuccessfully for the ...

        The History Place - Impeachment: Richard Nixon

        Fresh Georgia Peaches | Peach Farm | Jaemor Farms
          Georgia Peaches. There is nothing better than biting into a mouthwatering Georgia peach hand-picked fresh from the farm at Jaemor. We harvest 33 varieties of ...

          Lane Southern Orchards: Fresh Georgia Peaches | Pecans

          Started in 1908, Lane Southern Orchards has been growing peaches and ... FARM MARKET: 7 AM - 7 PM. PEACHTREE CAFÉ: 7 AM - 7 PM. We just want to warn y'all... There's no turning back after you've had a sweet, Georgia grown peach.
          Café & Bakery · ‎Visit · ‎About Us · ‎Events

          Georgia Peaches (in season) and Pecans, and year-round selection of condiments, gift tins, and cookbooks featuring Southern cuisine.
          Peaches · ‎Pecans · ‎Mary's Kitchen · ‎Gifts

          1st event ..
          the Peach / impeachment onion President Nixon 

          followed by President Ford
          (agent for the process)

          How to Ford a River or Stream (stream of consciousness)
           | The Art of Manliness

          Jul 5, 2017 - General. (1) Unless you are traveling in the desert, there is a good possibility that you will have to ford a stream or river. The water obstacle may range from a small, ankle-deep brook that flows down a side valley to a rushing, snow- or ice-fed river.

          Ford (crossing)  from    .... Vegetables/onion thinkers 

          to  Fruits/ peaches and the Georgia male ...state of MIND

            - Wikipedia

            ford is a shallow place with good footing where a river or stream may be crossed by wading, or inside a vehicle getting its wheels wet. A ford may occur naturally or be constructed.
            Design effort‎: ‎None or low
            Carries‎: ‎Traffic
            Related‎: ‎None, but akin to ‎causeway

            Georgia Peaches elect Jimmy Carter ....... President of

            Georgia TECH and Gibbs statistical social mechanics 

            Photos, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018 |
            Sports Illustrated
            Georgia Gibbs was photographed by Yu Tsai in Aruba. Top by Sloane & Tate

            Georgia Gibbs  ... messages of water and watergate

            Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018 |
            Sp orts --> S, P  elctron orbits  Illustrated in 

            female bio-physics  format .....
            atomic information display device
             ..... Georgia Gibbs 

            Georgia Gibbs

            Georgia Gibbs  displays

             2 electron density message devices

            Georgia Gibbs
             displays physics biology data

            Impeachment and Georgia Gibbs  Peaches

            Georgia Gibbs Peaches and
            statistical social mechanics elect Jimmy Carter
            ....... President of peaches in all formats

            Former Penn State ...... ink pen cheerleader 

            rebounds after injury to earn degree ...

            May 7, 2016 - Paige Raque sits with her dog Toby outside of their apartment on ... Raque graduated from Penn State's College of Health and Human ...

            Two more plead guilty in rigged information
            Paige/page   Raque case | 

            Centre Daily Times of incomplete explanations

            Jun 11, 2013 - Two more Penn State students have pleaded guilty for their roles in supplying an alcohol-fueled party where a cheerleader fell from the window of a State College high-rise apartment. ... They joined Alyssa Duffy, Alexandria Hipple, Madeline Miller, Brooke Piccione and Julie Hannan ...

            Paige Raque sits with her dog Toby outside .... secret
            Paige Raque sits with her dog Toby outside
            Paige Raque sits with her dog Toby outside .... codes

            Page ... que  .......her d ....  To  by   out  s   ide --> 

            Page ... queue  .......herd/collective mind ....

            To = Topology life at Penn State ....... data  byte  

            output system ideas .......

            Page of Paige ....... queue  

            --> LINK to Queue of BEC data --> QueBEC 

            Paige Raque sits with her dog Toby outside .... secret
            Paige Raque sits with her dog Toby outside
            Paige Raque sits with her dog Toby outside .... codes .....

            that reminds me of my life .. working at the 1964 World's Fair in
            Flushing Queens New York City (double word 64 = 32 + 32)

            ......  my buddy and I knew 2 girls from Brooklyn  ....
            Toby and Isabella ..... in year 2018 I realize their
            year 1964 ... double word identifier codes ......
            Topology bytes  and Queen Is (information systems pointer back to Columbus data bus and  year 1492).

            Also, that winter my friend and I took a few days trip ...
            Montreal  QueBEC  ... now in year 2018 .... I see QueBEC code ...
            data queues and Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC)

            End  Gibbs / Gibbons explanation 



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