Monday, October 29, 2018

Pier Oddone 32 - sunlight region ..religion evolution explained


explains  key word concepts --> 

sunlight region ..
code word religion 
language evolution  explained 

Code --> Religion
---> region of light (Planet earth soil) 

Code --> Religion 

Code --> Re  +  lig.... gion

--> re + gion spells  region 

--> lig--> light  ... solar system sunlight 

Skin care | American Academy of Dermatology
    Information about boils, styes, pierced ears, tattooed skin, corns, calluses, dry skin, shaving, face washing, athletic skin infections, self tanner, skin care products, ...

    Skin care

    Skin care ......

    B.F. Skin Skinner | Operant Conditioning | Simply Psychology
      by I Pavlov - ‎Cited by 1 - ‎Related articles
      BF SkinnerOperant Conditioning. ... Skinner identified three types of responses, or operant, that can follow behavior. • Neutral operants: responses from the environment that neither increase nor decrease the probability of a behavior being repeated.

      Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner) - › Learning Theories
      Skinner) The theory of B.F. Skinner is based upon the idea that learning is a function of change in overt behavior. Changes in behavior are the result of an individual's response to events (stimuli) that occur in the environment.

      Batavia FermiLAB  office building  SKIN (glass, metal, concrete) 

      and the  inner  (inside the building skin) ........

      are  wall/ room skins  ...... that contain

      human skin containers 

      Pier Oddone discusses 

      The Hierarchy Problem of skins | Of Particular Significance
        The Hierarchy Problem. An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast discrepancy between aspects of the weak nuclear force and gravity.

        Pier   Oddone - Wikipedia
          Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. 

          Born in the
          Galapagos Islands region of  orginal skin walkers .......

    evolution ......
           extension region of Peru in 1944
          Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...

          Pier Oddone  ( Odd integer 1 = one)
           to retire as Fermilab even integer director -

          UChicago  C = Carbon skin walker  News

 2, 2012 - 2 that Fermilab Director Pier O has decided to retire after
          atomic number 8 ...  eight years  of oxygen service at the helm of America's leading particle physics laboratory.
          Oddone ...

          The Role of Potassium K Channels in the Regulation of Neurotransmitter ...

          by LO Trussell - ‎2008 - ‎Cited by 4 - ‎Related articles
          Neurotransmitter release is critically dependent on the duration of the presynaptic action potential. A variety of K+ channels play key roles in determining spike ...

          End  explanation 


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