explains key word concepts -->
Pier Oddone
FermiLAB ..... string theory prison
PDF]The Hayakawa Abstraction Ladder 
HAYAKAWA'S LADDER OF ABSTRACTIONS. David N Chung, Language Arts, VHS, PYLUSD email: dnchung@pylusd.org. DEFINITION: • S.I. HAYAKAWA.
Ladder of Abstraction: Definition & Example - Video & Lesson ... 
The Ladder of Abstraction. S.I. Hayakawa, in his book Language in Thought and Action, described what he called the ladder of abstraction. The ladder of abstraction is an image and concept used to illustrate how language and reasoning evolves from concrete to abstract.
The Ladder of Abstraction and the Public Speaker - Six Minutes 
Sep 15, 2013 - The ladder of abstraction is a concept created by American linguist S. I. Hayakawa in his 1939 book Language in Action. It describes the way that humans think and communicate in varying degrees of abstraction.
What Is the Ladder of Abstraction? | The Pen and The Pad 
code--> Morano --> M or an no -->
M-shell orbitals atomic number node
(energy vibration communications node)
code--> Morano --> M or an no -->
M-shell (3rd shell) ... orbitals atomic number node
(energy vibration communications node
code--> Morano --> M or an no -->
M-shell (3rd shell) ... orbitals atomic number node
(energy vibration communications node
Why String Theory? - Page 81 - Google Books Result 
Joseph Conlon - 2016 - Mathematics
What caused excitement was that in string theory the same calculations gave finite ... be enough to compensate for this failure, and such a theory is inconsistent and ... which after many years of searching was found in 1995 at Fermilab outside ...Why String Theory?
Why FermiLAB and Pi --> pier Oddone
...... Nature's human .... atomic bio-physics piano .....
who gets stringed along by Washington DC bull-shit schemes
of the Department of Energy .....
............................................ gynecology division and
atoMIC woman fails to explain her existential philosophy
.....MIChelle Obama
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ......
atomic social science ....
puppet String Theory?
Fermilab | Science | Questions for the Universe | Gulliver's Travels
String theory unifies physics by producing all known forces and particles as different vibrations of a single substance called superstrings
Gunman kills 12, wounds 31 at Fort Hood - US news - Crime & courts ... 
An Army psychiatrist opens fire at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 12 people and wounding ... updated 11/5/2009 10:48:47 PM ET 2009-11-06T03:48:47 .... he is now dead. the shooting took place inside what's called a soldier readiness facility . that's ...
2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia 
Jump to Soldier Readiness Processing Center shootings - Map of Fort Hood, with a red dot marking ... the Soldier Readiness Processing Center, ...
Weapons: FN Five-seven pistol; Smith & Wess...
Location: Fort Hood, Texas, U.S
Deaths: 13
Perpetrator: Nidal Hasan
Soldier Readiness Processing Center shootings
---> black ferocity
--> Black fer ROC city -->
Black agent ...... ferrous oxide IRON at Ferguson
Shooting of atoMic secret agent
..........................Michael Brown - Wikipedia 
ROC city
The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson
The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson
The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on .............9 2 ............ Fer --> Fermilab
atomic messages ....
The shooting of Michael Brown
The shooting of Michael Brown
The shooting of Mic .... Brown --> atoMIC Brownian motion messages waiting
for Federal scientist and their approval of Washington DC BS
explanations of REALITY signaling EVENTS
Pier Oddone - secret agent from the Galapagos Islands / Peru region
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.
Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Pier Oddone of Berkeley Lab Named Fermilab Director - Fermilab news 
Fermilab History of encryption of Pier Oddone
for the Bat region ..... Batavia, Illi.nois(e)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only authorized parties can access it. Encryption does not itself prevent interference, but denies the intelligible content to a would-be interceptor.
In an encryption scheme, the selection of a Southern hemisphere human specimen
.... for the Lewis Carroll problem ......
Carroll's ALICE IN WONDERLAND - Search ProQuest
Through The Looking Glass | Penguin Books New Zealand
Mar 26, 2010 - Step into an upside-down world with Alice. ... By Lewis Carroll ... When Alice steps through the looking-glass, she enters a very strange world of ...
Honeymooners TV show - Alice Tells off Ralph.mp4 - YouTube
▶ 2:07
Apr 22, 2012 - Uploaded by MrRsgibson
Short clip form The Honeymooners. Alice talks about the "joy" of housework.
Alice Cooper - Wikipedia
Alice Cooper is an American singer, songwriter, and actor whose career spans over five ... Away from music, Cooper is a film actor, a golfing celebrity, a restaurateur, ..... a B-side for the "Poison" single and on The Life and Crimes of Alice Cooper CD. ... In 1991, Cooper released his 19th studio album Hey Stoopid featuring ...
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland... - Wisconsin Department of ...
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland (June 2014 - June, 2015), recently was interviewed about her experience as "Alice."
Pier Oddone : Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its language News
In an encryption scheme, the intended information or message, referred to as plaintext, is encrypted using an encryption algorithm, generating ciphertext that can only be read if decrypted. For technical reasons, an encryption scheme usually uses a pseudo-random encryption key generated by an algorithm. It is in principle possible to decrypt the message without possessing the key, but, for a well-designed encryption scheme, considerable computational resources and skills are required. An authorized recipient can easily decrypt the message with the key provided by the originator to recipients but not to unauthorized users.
End explanation
In an encryption scheme, the selection of a Southern hemisphere human specimen
.... for the Lewis Carroll problem ......
Carroll's ALICE IN WONDERLAND - Search ProQuest 
by R Reichertz - 1985
Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand? Or Australia? In both of Lewis Carroll's Alice Books, Alice passes through the known world into fantasy worlds. ... World Turned Upside Down to provide a better understanding of the material Carroll works ...
Through The Looking Glass | Penguin Books New Zealand 
Honeymooners TV show - Alice Tells off Ralph.mp4 - YouTube 
▶ 2:07https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adQhWSfQsss
Apr 22, 2012 - Uploaded by MrRsgibson
Short clip form The Honeymooners. Alice talks about the "joy" of housework.
Alice Cooper - Wikipedia 
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland... - Wisconsin Department of ... 
Pier Oddone : Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its language News 
Jul 30, 2008 - Pier Oddone. The director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, talks to Eric Hand about the uncertain future of particle ...
talks to Eric Hand
talks to Eric Hand
talks to numEric Hand with TEN fingers .....
about the
TenZin communications issue of
Herman Weyl tensor space/time
on the earth geography surface of humans ..
and the Zinc fingers issue ....
TenZin communications issue of
Herman Weyl tensor space/time
on the earth geography surface of humans ..
and the Zinc fingers issue ....
End explanation
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